Earl Eckles looked at us with sulky paleblue eyes. It was obvious redskins weren't on the top of this sheriff's list of/over favourite people and he just thought we were wasting his time when we called the sheriffdepartment to send someone over. But it wasn't like we'd asked for Earl Eckles. Sheriff Eckles was the typical american middle-aged man, a bit overweight, pale and grumpy. He thought he busted his ass of at work everyday when he really didn't do much but eating. The sheriffsdepartment let him stay on his post because they felt sorry for him, like he wouldn't manage to get another job if they sacked him. He was pretty sad to look at, knowing he shared a dirty cottage with his elderly mother and two straylooking dogs. Today he wore a large brown cowboy hat on top of his small head and his beige shirt tucked into his pants so that his stomach was well notefied. He regularly polished his big blonde moustache with his chubby fingers while flipping through his empty notepad. "Mhm.." he muttered and licked the tip of his ink pen. "So you say there's strange things moving in your woods huh?" He looked up at us for atleast two seconds then his eyes were back on the notepad again. "Ever heard of bears, mr.Darkwater?" We all heard the mocking in his voice and I could feel that the anger in Paul was about to overboil. He looked at Earl with burning eyes. Like a child craving for attention I pulled in his shirt and when he did look at me I stared back at him with narrowed eyes and a sour face. He muttered at me with disapproval, telling me he wouldn't play mister nice-guy today(towards this policeman.) "I'll take care of this sheriff Eckles." A determined voice said a few feet away from us. It was (old) sheriff Billy Joe Norton and with him Pine Ridge policeforce's latest recruit, one of our own, Izaac Johnston son of Alan "Grandfather" Johnston, the tribe shaman. Izaac (Johnston) was a tall and slender man in his late twenties with strong facial features and long black hair - you could kinda compare him to Kocoum of Pocahontas the disney version. He was adored by more than half of the of women in the Pine Ridge reservation. Whenever he was around they just couldn't keep their eyes of, of him. He was both humble and gentle plus he didn't talk much which made him look like the perfect listener, something the ladies seemed to consider as a good thing. "Mister sheriff Norton." An old, shaky voice said from a far distance. It was Floyd Darkwater supported by his granddaughter Maya, who had come to join us. He walked very stiffly with the stick in his left hand and Maya on his right. "Chief Darkwater." Sheriff Norton said. They shoke hands. Chief Darkwater looked at him with old worried grey eyes which were almost fully covered by wrinkles. "It's here again is it not sheriff Norton? The evil spirit." "We're not sure yet chief." "I try to protect my people, but what can an old man do these days." "That's why we're here sir. We'll have our people search through your woods. With your permission off course."
* Later: "What did your grandfather mean with "it's here again"? Don't tell me this has happened before." Kiara said. "It has, many years before we were even thought of. When my parents were young there were killings in the forest, just like now. Killings of young men." "Didn't anyone get caught?" "Nope.. no one cared about us back then, not that they do now either for that matter." He rouled on to his back. "That's why he calls it the evil spirit." he looked at me. "My grandfather has heard real messed up things about what the white man did to our ancestors, but he didn't think no man could be the cause of those young mens deaths. It was the way the bodies looked like. No humanbeing could have done that. He was sure it was an evil spirit who had come to punish us for something we'd done wrong."
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