söndag 29 april 2012
Nära, men inte tillräckligt nära än
Jag är exalterad samtidigt som jag är superduper nervös och hoppas allting går rätt. Wiihiii!
Chefens ord: Nej men då har du ju strand mitt i stan.
Kollegan: VA?! Strand i stan?!
Haha! lol
fredag 27 april 2012
Gracias Mister!

Jag kan fortfarande inte smälta hela karusellen. Jag vill gråta, samtidigt som jag är så glad över att det blev Tito och ingen annan. Jag känner att hösten och framtiden för blaugrauna är räddad.
Fortsätter läsa översatta citat från presskonferensen och från spelarnas twitter/facebook. Fan, tårarna kommer tillbaka!
Jag trodde detta skulle bli säsongens sämsta vecka, för det har hänt så mycket den här veckan för FCB men, Pep gjorde det bra och han lät Tito kliva fram och det räddade allt.
Ps. Jag är sjuk och skitäcklig men jag vill bara åka och shoppa för jag har fått lön och jag vill koppla bort den här FCB karusellen för en stund!!
Why you should keep your eyes on Bayern Munich
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Jerome Boateng, Prince Boatengs lillebror. |
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Luiz Gustavo, dessvärre avstängd till CL finalen. |
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Mario Gomez, main reason. |
onsdag 25 april 2012
tisdag 24 april 2012
Lonely Photoshoot
Tog lite finare bilder på catzen i solskenet, ska lägga upp de i nästa inlägg.
måndag 23 april 2012
Oh boy
Adam Levine tycks bara bli snyggare och snyggare för varje avsnitt. Och de där tatueringarna, de där tatueringarna. Kardemumma!
söndag 22 april 2012
Gud den allsmäktige, när du ordnar till det där med the man of my life åt mig, se då till att fixa någon i stil med Marco Borriello eller Pablo Osvalda. Det skulle vara uppskattat!
För er som fortfarande inte fattar varför jag kollar på fotboll... WTF?!
fredag 20 april 2012
La Banda de Los Hermanos
Detta är kapitel 1, eller ja, ett skelett/en grund till kapitel 1 av "Marcado de por vida", alltså det som kommer efter prologen ;) Som jag så fint döpt till "La banda de los hermanos" vilket ungefär betyder "The band of brothers", titeln har lite olika innebörder för resten av storyn.
Som vanligt, detta är inte det slutgiltiga resultatet. Det kommer göras om massvis med gånger så det kan finnas en hel del fel här i just nu. Jag lägger upp en bild på hur jag menar att de gör "djävulstecknet" det var då lite klurigt att beskriva med ord. Men enjoy!

I love my bed

Nu ligger jag i min sköna säng med datorn på magen och kollar på The Voice US, som jag tagit hem helt *host* lagligt... Hur smexy är inte Adam? Jag kan inte komma över det.
Ska nog skriva på "Marcado de por vida" idag också, är mer taggad för det idag mot vad jag var igår.
torsdag 19 april 2012
Prólogo (=Prolog)
Karaktärer: (Namnen med "" är deras gängnamn.)
Ángel "Chico" Martínez (huvudkaraktär)
Victor "Amarillo" Martínez (Ángels storebror, MS13 medlem)

“Run Ángel!” My brother yelled.
“But...” I stuttered like a little baby. I felt my heart pounding faster and faster, wouldn't it burst out of my body soon?
“Look at me, chico.” He put his hand under my chin, it was warm, loving and his eyes filled with a constant worry. There was sweat on his forehead and from time to time he looked in another direction.
“Just run. Run as fast as you can. And don't look back, okay?”
He didn't hug me, just put his hand up in the air and I did the same and we both formed our hands as a devil's horn.
“Hermanos para siempre.” He said.
“Hermanos para siempre...” Brothers forever.
He took out his handgun from the pocket of his pants and gave me a push.
I started running and while I did I repeated Victor's words in my head and on my lips. I whispered them as I ran away from the alley where we'd been hiding. Hermanos para siempre. It has been all my idea. Victor had disagreed to it but I had nagged about it all morning and eventually he'd shouted:
“Fine! But it's not my fault if you get shot.”
It wasn't really allowed. But Victor had said that his leader, El Maquina, had already approved of me as a sympathizer, someone who was in, let's say, a quarantine, waiting for the day when he could join.
Having succeeded with my nagging I had managed to go a “look out” with my brother not too far from where we lived. My brother's gang, the Mara Salvatrucha, ruled in our neighborhood but from time to time they had to go on look out's in order to prevent the chavalas, the enemy, from entering their territory.
Because of the morning's route Victor had been appointed to keep an eye on he didn't think it would be at all dangerous for me to come along. But of course, he was so wrong.
I looked over my shoulder to see if my brother was still there. He was sitting knee-bent in the dark alley looking in the opposite direction. Then the rain begun to poor down on the people of El Salvador. I ran too fast and accidentally lost my left shoe. I tried to keep the same pace as before but failed and eventually I kicked off the right shoe to be able to run faster. I stumped into a puddle of water and that's when I heard them, the shots aimed to kill. I stopped as if I'd been put on pause in a video game. It felt as if I'd lost my breathe. I knew right then what those bullets had done without looking.
Even if I shouldn't have I turned to glance who the man pulling his trigger was. He stared at me with harsh eyes. Everything around me just stopped existing. All but those eyes. It felt like we stared at each other for hours. The man's face was mostly covered with a white and blue scarf – the colors of El Salvador. I shifted my gaze to the gun in his hands. Surprisingly he didn't point it at me. Instead he turned his back on me and ran away. When he was out of my sight I ran back to my brother.
“Victor?” I bent down next to him. His wet clothes were painted in red.
“Tu eres loco chico!” He growled. (=You're crazy boy!)
“Qué?” (=What?)
He grabbed my shirt with his bloody hand.
“I told you to run! Didn't I?” The rain made it hard for him to look directly at me.
I dropped my gaze to the ground. He pulled my face closer to him.
“Didn't I?!”
“Yes.” I hissed.
“So why didn't you listen to me?”
“Because I...”
Victor released his grip of me. I fell backwards in to the muddy ground.
“I'm sorry.” I sobbed.
“Stop crying, Ángel. A Mara* never cries.” (* Mara = Mara Salvatrucha medlem)
Even if the lump in my throat kept growing I shut up. Instead I lied down next to him with my head resting on his chest.
“Promise me, chico.” He said.
“To never look into the eyes of the devil.” (= att inte bli en Mara och fastna i det livet, djävulens ögon tillhör såklart Diablo.)
Till prologen lyssnade jag om och om igen till låten "Yo te esperaré" (= Jag kommer vänta (på dig)), lyssnade mycket intensivt till den sista dialogen. Jag blev alldeles blödig :P
onsdag 18 april 2012
Adam Levine

Pga detta har jag fått återfall för Adams utseende. Han är ett sånt där perfection case. Verkligen.
Har varit ett Maroon 5 fan sen de debuterade med första skivan Songs about Jane. Älskar verkligen Adams unika röst. Nu har min kärlek till den där musiken kommit tillbaka till mig. Jag blir liksom glad av att lyssna på sån här musik!
Senaste låten med ingen mindre än Wiiiiz :D
PS. Ska jobba idag, var typ en vecka sen sist, och så klart får jag mensen idag efter att vridit och vänt på mig under natten pga smärtor. Fy fan. Vill bara sitta som en säck i soffan och kolla på The Voice avsnitt hela dagen. :/
tisdag 17 april 2012
Having an ordinarilly boring day

Nu ska jag sitta och slappa lite soffan, kanske skriva lite? Skulle vara kul :)
måndag 16 april 2012
söndag 15 april 2012
(Marcado de por vida) El Joker's change of heart
One day, at morning when we had nothing to do for the moment, we sat by the river we used to sit by pulling the grass out off the ground or throw rocks in to the water. Today we did nothing like that. We just sat there as if we were waiting for something to happen right in front of our eyes. Like, maybe the whole river would catch fire or something, just something...
“What's up?” I asked him. I couldn't stand the silence and I had a hard time sitting still for too long.
“Not much Chico.”
We began talking about nothing really, about the weather about what we thought Diablo would make us do today, what we would do for the rest of the week, if anything special would happen.
Then he said:
“Have anyone told you the story of The crazy brother´s of El Salvador?”
I shook my head.
“No? You wanna hear?”
"They'll be the end of you Chico.”
“Try me.”
Joker laughed at my hopeless.
“Okay. But promise me you won't go looking for him or something else stupid like trying to be like him.”
I shrugged my shoulders.
“Oye. The crazy brother's of El Salvador consisted of two brothers. Okay?”
“They were El Soldado and Arcangel. El Soldado was the older brother and Arcangel the younger.”
I nodded.
“And El Soldado is the father of all maras. You know that, right?”
“Together the brothers ruled the MS-13 community, not only here in El Salvador, but in the Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica. Even New York in America. El Soldado and Arcangel were the most powerful duo you could ever imagine, they were like the Godfathers' of Central America, like freaking Vito Corleone.” He gestured with his hands in the air. “I was just a kid when they controlled these streets but I still remember the fear they put in all Salvadorans. You didn't dare to say their names because you thought they would kill you. I almost shit my pants when I thought about it. I mean, they were the real deal Chico. There was no idea to go against them because then there was nothing else to do but arrange your own funeral. They literally killed anyone who got in their way. They were real maras.”
I could only sit back and think “wow, there were gangsters like this? Why hadn't my brother ever talked about them? In comparison to this Diablo and El Maquina seemed small and meaningless. Joker gave me a push.
“Hey, don't get too carried away by this okay? I can see it in your eyes.”
I looked at him.
“Those eyes will never be able to lie to anyone.” He said. “Anyway, the two put major fear in all of us and killed whoever they liked, they weren't picky. They were having the time of their lives, living la vida loca. But then El Soldado decided to go America and recruit more people from New York. But he ended up settling down there, maybe he liked the idea of being the boss of the gangs in the US more than the gangs here in poor Centroamerica? Anyhow, Arcangel felt confused over his brother's decision and felt, perhaps, deceived? They say blood is thicker than water but Arcangel didn't give a fuck about all that, he started hating on his brother and his rage colored the streets of San Salvadora red. Now we really feared for our lives.”
I pictured it before me. The streets filled with blood. Dead bodies stacked on top of each other. Flies everywhere. People staying inside their houses for days not able to sleep, scared to death because all they could think about was the slayers out there who didn't spare anyone.
“Then the war of gangs broke out. It was us against them, the chavalas. It was killing twenty-four hours a day. Neither of us gave up, only one could win, right?”
I nodded.
“Then the real turning-point came. It was revealed that the crazy brothers' were actually sons to the chief of police in San Salvador. Talk about putting shame on the pigs.” Joker laughed. “Can you believe it Chico? Those every man and woman had put their faith in to solve this problem weren't any better than the dogs out there.” He had to wipe his eyes because he was crying from laughter. “Isn't it the funniest thing ever? The police chief – the father of two mass murderers. It doesn't get any better than this.”
“And El Soldado? Did he come back?”
Heavy footsteps approached us from behind. Joker glanced at me. His eyes were like: “Don't tell anyone, okay?”
“Joker. Chico. What are you doing?” Cuchillo said.
Joker picked up a small rock from the ground and threw it in to the river.
“Nothing.” He said.
“Diablo wants you back at the house.” Cuchillo said, then added. “Playtime's over.”
Joker snorted with a twisted smile.
“I'll pretend I didn't hear that.”
We both stood up. I whispered to Joker when we followed the gorilla back to the house.
“Promise me you'll tell the rest of the story later.”
Joker chuckled quietly, but then something in his eyes changed. It was that look again. I don't know how to describe it. It was as if he was hiding something from me, like he was holding something back.
A few days later we went back to the river again. It was early morning and the sun had just settled on the sky.
“I promised you the rest of the story, right?”
I nodded.
“Okay. So El Soldado came back to San Salvador after he'd heard what his brother had done. You know, rumors spread so fast in our world. There's no way we can keep anything from each other. Once you've told someone you've told them all...”
He looked down at the ground.
“But with you Chico, it's different.” He grabbed a handful of grass and pulled it up from the ground. “You're not the typical mara. I noticed that the day you arrived. You didn't fit in. You weren't as bloodthirsty as all the others before you.”
I glanced at him.
“What do you mean?”
“I know secrets are of no use in this place. But... could you keep a secret for me?”
I thought about it for a minute or two. He looked more nervous the more I stayed quiet.
“Okay.” I finally said. “I can keep a secret for you.”
He leaned over to me.
“I have a family, Chico. I have a little niña. She's only a few month old. I'm telling you this because you're the only one I can trust. I hope I can.” Our eyes met. “I don't know what to do... I'm so confused. My girlfriend wants me to leave this place, if I don't she'll leave me. I can't.... I want to be with my daughter.”
“What's her name?” I said.
“Sophia.” He pulled out a photograph from his jeans pocket and handed it to me.
I smiled.
“She's beautiful. But she doesn't look anything like you. You sure she's yours?”
I tried not to laugh but eventually that was all I could do. He hit me in the back of my head and withdrew the photo from my hand. Then he too began laughing.
Our eyes shifted to the river again. The morning air was already getting warmer.
“I've been here for almost 10 years now. This is all I know. I grew up here. El Maquina, may he rest in peace, taught me everything I know of how to be a man. I owe him everything. He raised me in a way my parents couldn't. He gave me shelter and taught me how to survive... But I've come to realize this is not my kind of place. I always wanted to do something different with my life. I want to become a teacher. I want to show children and youngsters there is another way then the gang's way. I want to build a house and I want to live in it with my family. And I want a son so I can teach him to play football. I want to hold my wife at night without having to tell her she doesn't have to be afraid of what will happen to me.”
At that moment I didn't yet know what happened to those who wanted to walk away. Those who wanted to leave the Mara Salvatrucha lifestyle. But Diablo would teach me and he would use one of his own soldiers as an example.
lördag 14 april 2012
Författarverkstaden är en härlig plats

Visade upp min "baby" för familjen, lillebrors kommentar var: Hur orkar du? - Jesper, jag kommer så inte tillägna detta verk till dig!
Mamma och pappa var lite mäkta imponerade men mamma klarade inte av att läsa hela för att den är på engelska och hon var trött :P
Pappa tyckte som vanligt att jag ska skriva klart och skicka in. Ja, det där med att skriva klart har ju aldrig varit min grej, men nu kanske. Har förresten en fortsättning på detta verk som verkligen är "baby numero dos".
Världens bästa "komma i inspiration-mode" : Amor de Bandido (= Love Bandits)
Muy contento! Författarverkstad

Tänk om min lilla baby verkligen kunde bli en riktig bok?! Gaaaah!!
Estoy muy contento ^^
Och nu har jag döpt om den också från "In it for life" till "Marcado de por vida" vilket betyder "Marked for life" med "undertexten" Once you're in, you're in it for life.
Åh jag ryser av lycka! Nu vill jag sitta och redigera en massa kapitel och snygga till, lägga till, göra om, börja om, utöka. :D
PS. Alldeles överlycklig sprang jag ner med datorn för att visa min familj vad jag lyckats åstadkomma. Men ja, då ligger mor och sover och pappa ska iväg på något och lillebror sover också. Man bara, Sacha vill du se? Suck....
fredag 13 april 2012
Idag mötte jag honom igen
torsdag 12 april 2012
Pennan mäktigare än svärdet...

Jag älskar mina små gangsta boys/mördarmaskiner i El Salvador :P
Kvällens metod: Jag har klippt och klistrat typ och suttit ihop scener med varandra och kapitel efter varandra och har nu hela 11 sidor än så länge. Nu ska jag försöka få ihop allting snyggt. Vilken dröm det skulle vara att få klart detta projekt på bara några dagar men det känns som en oändlig omöjlighet. Men man ska aldrig säga aldrig. Hoppas kunna få ihop något sammanhängande så att jag kan låta någon läsa det jag skrivit, för just nu skulle nog ingen hänga med på vad som händer i texten om jag lät någon läsa den nu, så jag får vänta. *suck*
Hur som helst, jag behövde skriva av mig lite men jag är säker på att nästan ingen förstår vad jag babblar om för jag hänger inne i min egna bubbla. Ska snart lämna den dock, dags för sängen, känner mig trött efter en rushig arbetsdag. Imorgon ska det solas med Maria. Längtar! Och fira lillebror som blir jubileums ålder i år. 20 år. Aaaw. Puttenutt.
God natt
onsdag 11 april 2012

Jag ska börja spana in Real Sociedad liiiiite mer i framtiden. Ay ay caramba!
Ps. ska snygga till min design på blöggen, den är verkligen asful just nu.
måndag 9 april 2012

Sitter med mitt fika, mango-cheesecake och grönt te och ska titta på We need to talk about Kevin, baserat på en bok med stor uppståndelse kring. Ska låta mina ögon njuta av vackre (lammkötts varning!) Ezra Miller som spelar Kevin, en ung man som utför en massaker på sin skola.