Det blir nog en promenad ganska snart och sedan en eftermiddag med "Mary stayed out all night."
- Mary? Merry Christmas?
- I hate it when people call me that...
torsdag 30 december 2010
onsdag 29 december 2010
"Just for once, let me hug you."
Precis avslutat filmen "Ahjusshi" även känd som "The man from nowhere"
Jag vet inte riktigt vad jag ska säga, jag är mållös. När man inte trodde att det kunde bli värre, så eskalerade filmen ännu mer och blev ännu äckligare. Usch för hemsk för att beskriva med ord.
Jag menar, hur kan man utsätta barn för sånt här? Det läskiga är, att det säkert händer just nu. Barn som kidnappas och tvingas sälja droger för att lyckas betala sina föräldrars skuld till maffian. För att sedan dödas och få dina organ sålda. Som om barnen inte hade något värde, som om deras liv inte betydde någonting. Alla borde ha en ex militärtränade granne som Cha Tae Sik i huset bredvid.
Won Bin och Kim Se-Ron gjorde ett utomordentligt skådespel. Deras starka vänskap mellan deras karaktärer kändes verkligen äkta.
Dags att torka tårarna och gå till sängs. Usch, får se om jag lyckas somna.
Läs om filmen här:
The Man From Nowhere
PS. För alla er som inte vet, Won Bin är MEEEEEGA stor i Korea, typ the maaaan.
Jag vet inte riktigt vad jag ska säga, jag är mållös. När man inte trodde att det kunde bli värre, så eskalerade filmen ännu mer och blev ännu äckligare. Usch för hemsk för att beskriva med ord.
Jag menar, hur kan man utsätta barn för sånt här? Det läskiga är, att det säkert händer just nu. Barn som kidnappas och tvingas sälja droger för att lyckas betala sina föräldrars skuld till maffian. För att sedan dödas och få dina organ sålda. Som om barnen inte hade något värde, som om deras liv inte betydde någonting. Alla borde ha en ex militärtränade granne som Cha Tae Sik i huset bredvid.
Won Bin och Kim Se-Ron gjorde ett utomordentligt skådespel. Deras starka vänskap mellan deras karaktärer kändes verkligen äkta.
Dags att torka tårarna och gå till sängs. Usch, får se om jag lyckas somna.
Läs om filmen här:
The Man From Nowhere
PS. För alla er som inte vet, Won Bin är MEEEEEGA stor i Korea, typ the maaaan.
tisdag 28 december 2010
Snacka om att bli förvånad...
Någon som bläddrat igenom senaste ELLOS katalogen och hamnat på herravdelningen?
Well, I did. Och gissa vem jag fann där om inte "min" Malox (aka Ben Hill in real life). Coolt va?
Lustigt måste jag säga, men snygg var han.
Någon som bläddrat igenom senaste ELLOS katalogen och hamnat på herravdelningen?
Well, I did. Och gissa vem jag fann där om inte "min" Malox (aka Ben Hill in real life). Coolt va?
Lustigt måste jag säga, men snygg var han.
ben hill,
Cyriacus Living Dead,
måndag 27 december 2010
Jag ÄLSKAR den här serien. Inne på andra säsongen nu.
Chris (längst till vänster på bild) är min favorit. Han och hans eviga kärlek för sin psykologilärare *too cute* ^.^
Denna scen (börjar 0:40) med Anwar (ja det är han från slumdog millionare) är så kunglig:
Chris rycker på axlarna. "Let's go get fucked."
Chris (längst till vänster på bild) är min favorit. Han och hans eviga kärlek för sin psykologilärare *too cute* ^.^
Denna scen (börjar 0:40) med Anwar (ja det är han från slumdog millionare) är så kunglig:
Chris rycker på axlarna. "Let's go get fucked."
brittisk tv,
söndag 26 december 2010
Plan 3
Jacob Lovén är inte bra för en ung kvinnas arma hjärta.
(Den där rösten.... sexual!)
Brush it off
Titta på den där kroppen, haraaaaam.
Skaffar jag mig en svennebanane då ska han bannemej se ut såhär.
(Den där rösten.... sexual!)
Brush it off
Titta på den där kroppen, haraaaaam.
Skaffar jag mig en svennebanane då ska han bannemej se ut såhär.
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole
Ååååh jag är så starkt emotionellt kär i denna film. Sagolikt vacker, men samtidigt så väldigt grym och hemsk. Vissa scener fick mig att känna aningen obehag ibland. Det vred sig i magen att se vad "The pures ones" gjorde med de mindre ugglorna. Usch.
Twilight var utan tvekan min favorit, jag menar vi skulle kunna vara själsfränder. Se filmen så förstår ni ;)
Jag gillade kungen (Boron) och drottningen (Barran) av Väktarna, ett par snö ugglor. Väldigt ståtliga och pompösa. Kunde dock inte sluta tänka på Jason Isaac varje gång jag såg Boron, särskilt när han satt så rakryggad som på bilden ovan. Jag kände bara att snöugglan liknade mr. Malfoy så mycket. Lustigt, jag vet.
Sen trodde jag inte att "Jason Stackhouse" skulle ha någon större roll i detta äventyr men han hade faktiskt rösten till huvudkaraktären Sorens bror Kludd. Förvånansvärt bra var han också, trots att jag slängdes tillbaka in i True Blood då och då.
Vackert gjord film som borde ses av alla, med en theme song som är dunder, väldigt catchy.
Owl City framför To the sky. (btw, snacka om att grabben blivit aningen kändisfierad)
Legend of the Guardians har ett väldigt fint budskap; tro på dina drömmar, de gör dig till den du är och glöm inte att lyssna på magkänslan.
Jag har en väldans lust att läsa böckerna om dessa ugglor nu. Och denna film ska jag se om många gånger under mellandagarna. Filmen sågs på datorn och lyftes verkligen upp av ljudet från mina nya högtalare och bas (aka rymdstationen). Ett STORT plus.
Twilight var utan tvekan min favorit, jag menar vi skulle kunna vara själsfränder. Se filmen så förstår ni ;)
Jag gillade kungen (Boron) och drottningen (Barran) av Väktarna, ett par snö ugglor. Väldigt ståtliga och pompösa. Kunde dock inte sluta tänka på Jason Isaac varje gång jag såg Boron, särskilt när han satt så rakryggad som på bilden ovan. Jag kände bara att snöugglan liknade mr. Malfoy så mycket. Lustigt, jag vet.
Sen trodde jag inte att "Jason Stackhouse" skulle ha någon större roll i detta äventyr men han hade faktiskt rösten till huvudkaraktären Sorens bror Kludd. Förvånansvärt bra var han också, trots att jag slängdes tillbaka in i True Blood då och då.
Vackert gjord film som borde ses av alla, med en theme song som är dunder, väldigt catchy.
Owl City framför To the sky. (btw, snacka om att grabben blivit aningen kändisfierad)
Legend of the Guardians har ett väldigt fint budskap; tro på dina drömmar, de gör dig till den du är och glöm inte att lyssna på magkänslan.
Jag har en väldans lust att läsa böckerna om dessa ugglor nu. Och denna film ska jag se om många gånger under mellandagarna. Filmen sågs på datorn och lyftes verkligen upp av ljudet från mina nya högtalare och bas (aka rymdstationen). Ett STORT plus.
Legend of the guardians,
the owls of the ga'hoole
lördag 25 december 2010
Fy fan 3D SUGER!
Var och såg Narnia 3 med mor min kvällen till ära var det premiär på filmen också.
Den historia jag läst om filmen var inte den som filmen byggde på vilket lämnade mig rätt så förvånad. Jag vette fan (rent ut sagt) vad jag hade läst om egentligen. Det kom ju aldrig någon son till kung Caspian som blivit bortförd.
Hur som helst slutet var väldigt tårfyllt (som vanligt). Var gång Aslan dyker upp så vrider sig hela magen och en tjock klump formas i halsen. Liam Neeson gör ett underbart jobb som rösten till detta lejon.
En sak jag älskade i filmen var när Lucy frågade kung Caspian om han hittat sig någon drottning ännu och att Caspian svarade något i stil med:
"None like your sister." (De skulle bara ha gift sig och skaffat barn efter andra filmen, that's what I think)
Även roligt att se att Ripipip blivit några decimeter högre än sist :)
Även om det var trevligt att återse en del gamla ansikten så var handlingen väldigt smal, fattig. Varför tror alla regissörer och producenter och allt vad de kallar sig att vi numera ska fångas av allt runt omkring, av alla "mäktiga" effekter mer än en underbar fängslande historia?
Angående den så ytterst tuffa nya tekniken biografer och filmskapare runt om i världen är så galna i att använda sig av så vill jag bara säga att; it didn't work on me. Jag fick ju bara ont i ögonen av de där jäkla brillorna hela tiden, och där skulle jag sitta i mörkret i 2 timmar och gnugga ögonen, gillade heller inte att texten stod ut så mycket. Va fan ska man ha 3D effekt på texten? Nää tacka vet jag gammal vanlig hederlig biofilmskvalitet. Varför krångla till det så?
Som sagt fattig handling och den höjdes INTE upp av 3D effekter, nää. Kanske lite coolt när vattnet tycktes komma mot en, men annars, nää 3D är inget för mig.
Jag vet att jag tidigare klagade på Ben Barnes med skägg, but damn girls he was fiiiiiiiiiine. ;)
PS. Upptäckte nyss att det var Silvertronen jag läst om, inför denna rulle.
Silvertronen är bok är den sjätte boken (blir troligtvis film fyra då den fortsätter efter Skeppet Gryningen (film 3), där syskonens dryga kusin Eustace återvänder till Narnia (han kom med i tredje filmen) <-- Denna vill jag väldigt gärna se.
Den historia jag läst om filmen var inte den som filmen byggde på vilket lämnade mig rätt så förvånad. Jag vette fan (rent ut sagt) vad jag hade läst om egentligen. Det kom ju aldrig någon son till kung Caspian som blivit bortförd.
Hur som helst slutet var väldigt tårfyllt (som vanligt). Var gång Aslan dyker upp så vrider sig hela magen och en tjock klump formas i halsen. Liam Neeson gör ett underbart jobb som rösten till detta lejon.
En sak jag älskade i filmen var när Lucy frågade kung Caspian om han hittat sig någon drottning ännu och att Caspian svarade något i stil med:
"None like your sister." (De skulle bara ha gift sig och skaffat barn efter andra filmen, that's what I think)
Även roligt att se att Ripipip blivit några decimeter högre än sist :)
Även om det var trevligt att återse en del gamla ansikten så var handlingen väldigt smal, fattig. Varför tror alla regissörer och producenter och allt vad de kallar sig att vi numera ska fångas av allt runt omkring, av alla "mäktiga" effekter mer än en underbar fängslande historia?
Angående den så ytterst tuffa nya tekniken biografer och filmskapare runt om i världen är så galna i att använda sig av så vill jag bara säga att; it didn't work on me. Jag fick ju bara ont i ögonen av de där jäkla brillorna hela tiden, och där skulle jag sitta i mörkret i 2 timmar och gnugga ögonen, gillade heller inte att texten stod ut så mycket. Va fan ska man ha 3D effekt på texten? Nää tacka vet jag gammal vanlig hederlig biofilmskvalitet. Varför krångla till det så?
Som sagt fattig handling och den höjdes INTE upp av 3D effekter, nää. Kanske lite coolt när vattnet tycktes komma mot en, men annars, nää 3D är inget för mig.
Jag vet att jag tidigare klagade på Ben Barnes med skägg, but damn girls he was fiiiiiiiiiine. ;)
PS. Upptäckte nyss att det var Silvertronen jag läst om, inför denna rulle.
Silvertronen är bok är den sjätte boken (blir troligtvis film fyra då den fortsätter efter Skeppet Gryningen (film 3), där syskonens dryga kusin Eustace återvänder till Narnia (han kom med i tredje filmen) <-- Denna vill jag väldigt gärna se.
fredag 24 december 2010
torsdag 23 december 2010
Pimp my tree
Det blev påklädning av granen lite väl sent idag, mamma och jag var ytterst pigga på att pynta den, men det måste ju göras (!) för Guds skull!
Hmm jag som haft sådan enorm jullängtan och känsla, börjar känna mig stressad för morgondagen, särskilt inför kvällen.... hatar känslan av tomhet när man öppnat alla julklappar och julen officiellt känns som att den är över. Usch, glii och glää.
Granen var inte den enda att bli pimpad. Sacha fick också lite ny styling.
Hmm jag som haft sådan enorm jullängtan och känsla, börjar känna mig stressad för morgondagen, särskilt inför kvällen.... hatar känslan av tomhet när man öppnat alla julklappar och julen officiellt känns som att den är över. Usch, glii och glää.
Granen var inte den enda att bli pimpad. Sacha fick också lite ny styling.
onsdag 22 december 2010
JULEN ÄR (snart) HÄR!~
Ska försöka se till att sova nu, om det går. Känner mig inte så trött, fastän jag borde.
Imorgon är det dan före dopparedagen. Då ska vi ut och byta julklappar med mormor och morfar, det blir mysigt det. Själv ska jag även hinna baka lite här hemma, (ingen jul utan snöiga kakor) och skura golven som jag planerade att göra redan i tisdags(!).
Tänk.... om 5 min är det en dag kvar till julafton, EN dag kvar! Helt sjukt, känner mig som en liten unge. Tråkigt att det bara blir familjen, men det blir som det blir. Mysigt ska vi nog ha det i alla fall.
Imorgon är det dan före dopparedagen. Då ska vi ut och byta julklappar med mormor och morfar, det blir mysigt det. Själv ska jag även hinna baka lite här hemma, (ingen jul utan snöiga kakor) och skura golven som jag planerade att göra redan i tisdags(!).
Tänk.... om 5 min är det en dag kvar till julafton, EN dag kvar! Helt sjukt, känner mig som en liten unge. Tråkigt att det bara blir familjen, men det blir som det blir. Mysigt ska vi nog ha det i alla fall.
- God natt!
lördag 18 december 2010
A part of Malox's past
The emperor Lucius pulled him closer.
”I have saved you (from death) so many times, Malox.” He hissed in Malox's ear. ”I don't buy your lies! Get out on the field tonight or I'll finish you off myself.”
Lucius turned his back on him and started walking but then he suddenly stopped to add:
“You don't want to disappoint me, do you Malox?”
Malox didn't answer him, which the emperor took as a no and he left the cellar with a satisfied grin.
He sat on the stone floor of his cold, darkening cellar and starred down blankly on his feet.
“I heard they're bringing the lions tonight.” Maximus said.
Malox muttered.
“Don't really like lions.”
“Me neither...”
Silent fell around them. Plato made a throat ripping cough, from the cell in the corner.
Malox glanced at him and then back to Maximus.
“Is he still sick?” he whispered.
Maximus nodded.
“He won't survive, they'll probably throw him to the lions. As the first act. To get the crowd going.”
Malox's eyes focused back on (to) his feet. He had lost so many friends. He felt sadness towards the way he lived – like an animal in a cage, but he still knew so little about the world outside that he didn't know what to think of it. Would he even survive out there like he did every night on the arena? Maybe this was safety compared to life outside the walls of Colosseum?
He closed his eyes and thought of Lysandra. Her long brown hair, her same brown eyes, warm and soft, the smile on her curled lips... She was the reason he still fought. The day would come when he would have earned his freedom as a great champion, the day when he would buy himself freedom and take her with him.
“Plato! Malox! Herodes! Nikon!” A stern voice called from the stairs.
The four men stood up in their cellars.
Malox glanced over his shoulder to see Plato barley being able to stand steadily. His heart sank.
The two guards opened the doors to each cellar and put chains around the fighters so they wouldn't be able to escape. Maximus stood up, his eyes met Malox's.
“Fight well.” He said.
Malox couldn't force himself to smile. The thought of Plato being thrown to the lions made him sick.
“Get back!” The guard on the staircase shouted at Maximus. The werewolf didn't listen, he just pierced his mad eyes in to the guards.
“Are you threatening me?” The guard yelled and stormed down the stairs. In seconds he had reached hold of his long leather whip. With one hand he steadily threw the end of the whip in Maximus direction. As the leather hit the cellar bars the sound of metal echoed in the underground prison. Maximus looked at him even more furious, but swallowed his pride and stepped back in to the darkness.
The guard then turned and walked back up, followed by the four gladiators who walked on a straight line, escorted by the other two guards.
Once again the heavy door to the prison was shut with a hard noise and the few remaining fighters were left in the darkness, rescued from pain and suffering. Maximus leaned back on the cold wall of bars with a sighed and sunk down on the floor, covering his face with his big hands.
The moonlight hit Malox in the face as they reached the ground floor. He wished he could save Plato, who looked paler than ever, from the mayhem he would soon come to greet. Above him he heard the noise of the crowd, cheering their favorite fighters on. The panic grew in him. He saw the lions, he could see them sprinting towards Plato with their fangs and claws out, ripping and tearing til there was nothing left of him.
“Stay still.” The guards said and walked off.
Malox suddenly looked at the sword in his hand, squeezed it tightly... it would be so easy.. so easy to just.. save him from the misery. He was so close. With the gates to the field of the arena not being far away he had to make a choice, quickly, before the guards returned. He could either spare his companion or feed him to the animals. The blood pounded harder in his veins. He had to do it, he had to... Once more he squeezed the sword before he raised it and “staked” it right through the middle of Plato's back. Plato whined, his face even paler as his legs gave way underneath him and he fell slowly to the ground. Herodes who stood behind Malox grabbed his arm, hissing:
“What are you doing?”
“Have you gone mad?” Nikon growled from behind Herodes.
Plato's back was covered in blood as his gaze died away.
Malox looked at Herodes with darkening eyes.
“They would have fed him to the lions.” He snarled.
Herodes look at him with disapprovingly.
“Lucius will kill you for this.”
“I had no choice. I could not let them see him get slayed like that. He was worth a better faith than that.” He said with a sad voice and pulled his sword out of Platos body.
“What is going on here?” The guards came back running. They stopped shocked at the sight of Plato on the ground. One of the them couldn't take their eyes off the pool of blood. The bigger guard punched him in the stomach to remind himself to behave. The smaller guard gulped and looked up from the ground.
Lucius rushed in to the closed room, Malox's rose from his seat, still with his hands chained together. The guards on either side of him looked at their emperor with “” eyes.
“Leave.” Lucius said calmly.
“But your majesty..” one of the guards stuttered and gazed at Malox.
“Are you refusing an order?”
“Ehm.. no si-- your majesty...”
In seconds Lucius was at the guards side with his hands around his head. “Don't EVER refuse my words.” then he snapped the guards neck. He only glance once at the other guard before he left the room.
Lucius looked at Malox.
“Madness, Malox, madness. My people want to see slaughter. They come to my arena to see ripping and killing. They pay me to see animals bite peoples heads of, people who doesn't matter to them.” He paused. “You, I don't really get Malox. You think you are much better than everyone else, don't you? Think you are more powerful. Think you don't belong here. Well I just think you are overrating yourself. You are no king of gladiators, no ruler of the chained ones. You are just a fighter who belongs to me and there is nothing you can do about it. I will/can keep chains around your neck for the rest of your life if I want to. I own you, slave.” The last world rolled off his tongue like silk.
Lucius looked at Malox with a sigh and put his hands together.
“Hmm, now I do not have anyone to feed to the lions...” Their eyes met. “If you weren't the big favorite I would have thrown you in there without a single doubt.”
Malox made a low growl.
“I would kill them in seconds.”
Lucius chuckled, evil running along his face.
“I know you would, I know you would. Maximus Malox. But I will not do that. It will not be an exciting game. I will find someone else to fight them instead of Plato. I will...”
He turned his back on Malox and walked towards the door.
“Two lives, Malox. Two lives you have sacrificed today. I hope you understand that.” He said with irony rolling his eyes. Then he turned to glance quickly at the gladiator. “Oh, and you will be fighting with chains on today, should not be a challenge, for you.” He said before he opened the door and disappeared out of sight.
Three guards entered the room and dragged Malox out in to the huge corridor and dropped him to the ground in front of the gates to the arena. He could hear the loud roar of the lions. Hear the crowd cheer them on.
“Here. Your sword.” One of the guards said and threw the weapon in front of him with a mean chuckle. Malox looked at it. The sword was rusty and blunt. This was his punishment for misbehaving. He knew Lucius couldn't not let him fight, it would disappoint the crowd whom had come to see the great Malox, the slayer of all things... They would leave if they found out he would not participate tonight. He had to fight.. with whatever weapons he was offered.
“Stand up slave!” The large guard roared and pulled him up in the armor around his hips, in haste Malox picked the sword of the ground. It was heavy... He made a silent sigh, not knowing how he would win this fight.
”I have saved you (from death) so many times, Malox.” He hissed in Malox's ear. ”I don't buy your lies! Get out on the field tonight or I'll finish you off myself.”
Lucius turned his back on him and started walking but then he suddenly stopped to add:
“You don't want to disappoint me, do you Malox?”
Malox didn't answer him, which the emperor took as a no and he left the cellar with a satisfied grin.
He sat on the stone floor of his cold, darkening cellar and starred down blankly on his feet.
“I heard they're bringing the lions tonight.” Maximus said.
Malox muttered.
“Don't really like lions.”
“Me neither...”
Silent fell around them. Plato made a throat ripping cough, from the cell in the corner.
Malox glanced at him and then back to Maximus.
“Is he still sick?” he whispered.
Maximus nodded.
“He won't survive, they'll probably throw him to the lions. As the first act. To get the crowd going.”
Malox's eyes focused back on (to) his feet. He had lost so many friends. He felt sadness towards the way he lived – like an animal in a cage, but he still knew so little about the world outside that he didn't know what to think of it. Would he even survive out there like he did every night on the arena? Maybe this was safety compared to life outside the walls of Colosseum?
He closed his eyes and thought of Lysandra. Her long brown hair, her same brown eyes, warm and soft, the smile on her curled lips... She was the reason he still fought. The day would come when he would have earned his freedom as a great champion, the day when he would buy himself freedom and take her with him.
“Plato! Malox! Herodes! Nikon!” A stern voice called from the stairs.
The four men stood up in their cellars.
Malox glanced over his shoulder to see Plato barley being able to stand steadily. His heart sank.
The two guards opened the doors to each cellar and put chains around the fighters so they wouldn't be able to escape. Maximus stood up, his eyes met Malox's.
“Fight well.” He said.
Malox couldn't force himself to smile. The thought of Plato being thrown to the lions made him sick.
“Get back!” The guard on the staircase shouted at Maximus. The werewolf didn't listen, he just pierced his mad eyes in to the guards.
“Are you threatening me?” The guard yelled and stormed down the stairs. In seconds he had reached hold of his long leather whip. With one hand he steadily threw the end of the whip in Maximus direction. As the leather hit the cellar bars the sound of metal echoed in the underground prison. Maximus looked at him even more furious, but swallowed his pride and stepped back in to the darkness.
The guard then turned and walked back up, followed by the four gladiators who walked on a straight line, escorted by the other two guards.
Once again the heavy door to the prison was shut with a hard noise and the few remaining fighters were left in the darkness, rescued from pain and suffering. Maximus leaned back on the cold wall of bars with a sighed and sunk down on the floor, covering his face with his big hands.
The moonlight hit Malox in the face as they reached the ground floor. He wished he could save Plato, who looked paler than ever, from the mayhem he would soon come to greet. Above him he heard the noise of the crowd, cheering their favorite fighters on. The panic grew in him. He saw the lions, he could see them sprinting towards Plato with their fangs and claws out, ripping and tearing til there was nothing left of him.
“Stay still.” The guards said and walked off.
Malox suddenly looked at the sword in his hand, squeezed it tightly... it would be so easy.. so easy to just.. save him from the misery. He was so close. With the gates to the field of the arena not being far away he had to make a choice, quickly, before the guards returned. He could either spare his companion or feed him to the animals. The blood pounded harder in his veins. He had to do it, he had to... Once more he squeezed the sword before he raised it and “staked” it right through the middle of Plato's back. Plato whined, his face even paler as his legs gave way underneath him and he fell slowly to the ground. Herodes who stood behind Malox grabbed his arm, hissing:
“What are you doing?”
“Have you gone mad?” Nikon growled from behind Herodes.
Plato's back was covered in blood as his gaze died away.
Malox looked at Herodes with darkening eyes.
“They would have fed him to the lions.” He snarled.
Herodes look at him with disapprovingly.
“Lucius will kill you for this.”
“I had no choice. I could not let them see him get slayed like that. He was worth a better faith than that.” He said with a sad voice and pulled his sword out of Platos body.
“What is going on here?” The guards came back running. They stopped shocked at the sight of Plato on the ground. One of the them couldn't take their eyes off the pool of blood. The bigger guard punched him in the stomach to remind himself to behave. The smaller guard gulped and looked up from the ground.
Lucius rushed in to the closed room, Malox's rose from his seat, still with his hands chained together. The guards on either side of him looked at their emperor with “” eyes.
“Leave.” Lucius said calmly.
“But your majesty..” one of the guards stuttered and gazed at Malox.
“Are you refusing an order?”
“Ehm.. no si-- your majesty...”
In seconds Lucius was at the guards side with his hands around his head. “Don't EVER refuse my words.” then he snapped the guards neck. He only glance once at the other guard before he left the room.
Lucius looked at Malox.
“Madness, Malox, madness. My people want to see slaughter. They come to my arena to see ripping and killing. They pay me to see animals bite peoples heads of, people who doesn't matter to them.” He paused. “You, I don't really get Malox. You think you are much better than everyone else, don't you? Think you are more powerful. Think you don't belong here. Well I just think you are overrating yourself. You are no king of gladiators, no ruler of the chained ones. You are just a fighter who belongs to me and there is nothing you can do about it. I will/can keep chains around your neck for the rest of your life if I want to. I own you, slave.” The last world rolled off his tongue like silk.
Lucius looked at Malox with a sigh and put his hands together.
“Hmm, now I do not have anyone to feed to the lions...” Their eyes met. “If you weren't the big favorite I would have thrown you in there without a single doubt.”
Malox made a low growl.
“I would kill them in seconds.”
Lucius chuckled, evil running along his face.
“I know you would, I know you would. Maximus Malox. But I will not do that. It will not be an exciting game. I will find someone else to fight them instead of Plato. I will...”
He turned his back on Malox and walked towards the door.
“Two lives, Malox. Two lives you have sacrificed today. I hope you understand that.” He said with irony rolling his eyes. Then he turned to glance quickly at the gladiator. “Oh, and you will be fighting with chains on today, should not be a challenge, for you.” He said before he opened the door and disappeared out of sight.
Three guards entered the room and dragged Malox out in to the huge corridor and dropped him to the ground in front of the gates to the arena. He could hear the loud roar of the lions. Hear the crowd cheer them on.
“Here. Your sword.” One of the guards said and threw the weapon in front of him with a mean chuckle. Malox looked at it. The sword was rusty and blunt. This was his punishment for misbehaving. He knew Lucius couldn't not let him fight, it would disappoint the crowd whom had come to see the great Malox, the slayer of all things... They would leave if they found out he would not participate tonight. He had to fight.. with whatever weapons he was offered.
“Stand up slave!” The large guard roared and pulled him up in the armor around his hips, in haste Malox picked the sword of the ground. It was heavy... He made a silent sigh, not knowing how he would win this fight.
ancient greece,
maximus titus,
onsdag 15 december 2010
I made you..and therefor I am your master
“You...” Caskus whispered with a shaky voice, narrowing his eyes. “You...”
Kain bent down and grinned back at him.
“I love that terrified face of yours. I love hearing you beg Caskus Caelestis.” He leaned closer so that he could whisper in Caskus ear without anyone hearing. “It remind me sooo much of your friend...the friend you could not save...the friend you loved soo much. Now what was his name...”
Old images of Nicholas begun swirling around in Caskus's confused head.
“You bastard!” He screamed. His throat so sour, it burned like fire every time he made an attempt to speak.
Kain's eyes flashed red before him and suddenly he was drawn backs hundreds of years in time to the dark forest where he could hear his mothers scream, where he could feel the sharp teeth digging deeper in to his neck. The aching pain and the hooded creature.... the bloodstained grin and the... the eyes, the red eyes.
“I – made – you....” Kain hissed softly and gripped Caskus firmly by the chin. “I made you and therefor, I am you're master, Caskus Caelestis and you are no man of noble blood. You belong to me..”
Kain bent down and grinned back at him.
“I love that terrified face of yours. I love hearing you beg Caskus Caelestis.” He leaned closer so that he could whisper in Caskus ear without anyone hearing. “It remind me sooo much of your friend...the friend you could not save...the friend you loved soo much. Now what was his name...”
Old images of Nicholas begun swirling around in Caskus's confused head.
“You bastard!” He screamed. His throat so sour, it burned like fire every time he made an attempt to speak.
Kain's eyes flashed red before him and suddenly he was drawn backs hundreds of years in time to the dark forest where he could hear his mothers scream, where he could feel the sharp teeth digging deeper in to his neck. The aching pain and the hooded creature.... the bloodstained grin and the... the eyes, the red eyes.
“I – made – you....” Kain hissed softly and gripped Caskus firmly by the chin. “I made you and therefor, I am you're master, Caskus Caelestis and you are no man of noble blood. You belong to me..”
Caskus Caelestis,
Cyriacus Living Dead,
Kain Silver,
söndag 12 december 2010
Nästan två A4:a, så stolt ^^ skulle älska att kunna göra detta till ett helt kapitel. Mitt första i livhistorien.
”Get your paws OFF him!” Noah roared and pushed Yeshuas opponent hard to the ground. The greyish wolf made a low shriek as it struggled to get back on its feet, before transforming into its humanform.
”Trying to play mister tough guy now Noah?” A male voice said.
Noah turned around with a growl.
”It's against the law to have fightings. Pup's are not fully developed to understand their own bodies.” Noah said harshly. ”You know that... Conor.”
The man chuckled huskily.
”We don't follow the law, we're (the) lawless', remember?”
Noah tightened his jaw.
”Why don't you come and play sometime Noah?” Conor grinned. ”It would do you good to release all that anger you've got stored up there.” He pointed at his own head. ”For old times sake as well.”
Noah glanced at Conor disapprovingly and grabbed the color of Yeshuas shirt, dragging him along.
”Ooh you'll be punished now, Yeshua.” Sly said mockingly and scoffed. His grey eyes filled with excitement. ”Alpha has come to get youuu, hehe.”He howled.
Conor snorted with dissatisfiction and hit Sly hard in the neck. Sly whined quietly lowering his head to show his packmaster he'd done wrong. Conor turned his eyes back to Noah.
”If you're not here to fight, then get the hell out of my territory.” He shooed them off with a nonchalant wave.
Noah narrowed his eyes harshly, wishing he could finish Conor off right there and then. He knew he could, he was far more experinced with his wolfform, he was older, stronger. He could take Conor on, slay him in seconds, but he wouldn't. He had changed, he was an alpha now, he needed to be a leading example to his packmembers, to the next generation. He wasn't the sloppy butcher he had once been. He was a changed man, all thanks to his queen.
Conor knew very well who Noah was, who he had been. But this didn't stop him from provoking and humiliating the stronger one in front of their youngsters.
Yeshua followed Noah in behind the tall threes, ashamed for letting himself be lead on by such nonsense, puppyfighting... who did he think he was? He did not belong among those brawlers, he didn't want to be one of them. He wanted to be as respected and powerful as his leader. One day he too would become an alpha, he hoped. But for now he would just keep his guard down when not needed in fights and he would follow Noahs example as he did now.
”Coward.” Conor muttered as he watched the backs of the two men disappear in to the fog.
He faced Sly and Zeph, his eyes were furious. Moving fast he grabbed Zeph by his short hair and threw him to the ground. The boy whimpered.
”Didn't I tell YOU not to let anyone near this place? Huh?” He started walking towards Zeph who's eyes reflected fear and horror. ”Didn't I tell you specifically NOT to let the Noah pack in?! Didn't I?!” He kicked Zeph hard in the stomach. Sly shuddered as he heard the creak of the ribs break. ”IM the alpha, remember?! Which means, I make the rules! I decide, you listen! Understand?” He bent down and grabbed Zeph's chin with one hand. Zeph closed his eyes. Conor beant down closer and whispered in the boys ear. ”I rule, you obey. I rule, you obey...” He quickly let go of Zeph's chin and the boys head fell back on the ground with a thump, his forehead was covered with sweat. Sly watched his leader walk away before rushing to Zeph's side.
”Are you okay?” He asked carefully.
”What do you think?” Zeph hissed and got up his feet. He brushed the dirty off his clothes and looked in to the direction where Conor had walked. ”I swear, one day, I'll kill him.”
They had walked in silence every since they'd left Conors meadow. So far Yeshua hadn't deared to walk any closer than 7 feet (2m) from Noah and he hadn't opened his mouth once, thus the endless silence. The soft breezed played innocently in Yeshuas sandy blonde hair. Noah suddenly cleared his throat.
”Im, sorry.. for being kind of aggressive before.” He cleared his throat once more.
Yeshua looked down as he walked.
”I, was just.. I didn't want you to get hurt.”
When Yeshua didn't reply him Noah turned to face him. His strong face, usually carrying equally strong eyes now looked at the young one softly, almost smiling. Yeshua stopped a few feet behind him.
”Still, why did you go there?” Noah said with a little sigh.
”I, don't know...”
”You're well aware you're the youngest, therefor you should know whenever you disappear you make your alpha panic, and the rest of the pack off course.”
Yeshua bit his lip, starting to scrape in the dirty ground with his foot.
Noah chuckled quietly.
”You should have seen Malox's face when he heard you were gone. He started running around like a maniac, ordering everyone to go out and look for you. That old man should calm down a bit more than he does.”
Yeshua couldn't keep himself from letting the little smile on his lips show.
”I won't be forgetting the haunted look on his face for a while. That's for sure.”
”So.. you're not mad at me?” Yeshua said carefully.
”Off course I am!” Noah said sternly. ”What alpha wouldn't?”
Yeshua shifted his gaze back towards the ground.
”But...” Noah said with a warm, teasing grin. ”Im glad I found you. If I hadn't, Malox would probably had driven me mad with his strange rescuing plans. Finding you will save me a lot of awaken hours.”
(Bild 1: Detta är Malox för mig, modellens namn för den som undrar: Ben Hill.)
(Bild 2: Minstingen Yeshua i sin vargform. Bild 3: Yeshua i människoform, modellens namn: Ian Denig. The face of a model is the sorce to my inspiration. Good night.)
”Get your paws OFF him!” Noah roared and pushed Yeshuas opponent hard to the ground. The greyish wolf made a low shriek as it struggled to get back on its feet, before transforming into its humanform.
”Trying to play mister tough guy now Noah?” A male voice said.
Noah turned around with a growl.
”It's against the law to have fightings. Pup's are not fully developed to understand their own bodies.” Noah said harshly. ”You know that... Conor.”
The man chuckled huskily.
”We don't follow the law, we're (the) lawless', remember?”
Noah tightened his jaw.
”Why don't you come and play sometime Noah?” Conor grinned. ”It would do you good to release all that anger you've got stored up there.” He pointed at his own head. ”For old times sake as well.”
Noah glanced at Conor disapprovingly and grabbed the color of Yeshuas shirt, dragging him along.
”Ooh you'll be punished now, Yeshua.” Sly said mockingly and scoffed. His grey eyes filled with excitement. ”Alpha has come to get youuu, hehe.”He howled.
Conor snorted with dissatisfiction and hit Sly hard in the neck. Sly whined quietly lowering his head to show his packmaster he'd done wrong. Conor turned his eyes back to Noah.
”If you're not here to fight, then get the hell out of my territory.” He shooed them off with a nonchalant wave.
Noah narrowed his eyes harshly, wishing he could finish Conor off right there and then. He knew he could, he was far more experinced with his wolfform, he was older, stronger. He could take Conor on, slay him in seconds, but he wouldn't. He had changed, he was an alpha now, he needed to be a leading example to his packmembers, to the next generation. He wasn't the sloppy butcher he had once been. He was a changed man, all thanks to his queen.
Conor knew very well who Noah was, who he had been. But this didn't stop him from provoking and humiliating the stronger one in front of their youngsters.
Yeshua followed Noah in behind the tall threes, ashamed for letting himself be lead on by such nonsense, puppyfighting... who did he think he was? He did not belong among those brawlers, he didn't want to be one of them. He wanted to be as respected and powerful as his leader. One day he too would become an alpha, he hoped. But for now he would just keep his guard down when not needed in fights and he would follow Noahs example as he did now.
”Coward.” Conor muttered as he watched the backs of the two men disappear in to the fog.
He faced Sly and Zeph, his eyes were furious. Moving fast he grabbed Zeph by his short hair and threw him to the ground. The boy whimpered.
”Didn't I tell YOU not to let anyone near this place? Huh?” He started walking towards Zeph who's eyes reflected fear and horror. ”Didn't I tell you specifically NOT to let the Noah pack in?! Didn't I?!” He kicked Zeph hard in the stomach. Sly shuddered as he heard the creak of the ribs break. ”IM the alpha, remember?! Which means, I make the rules! I decide, you listen! Understand?” He bent down and grabbed Zeph's chin with one hand. Zeph closed his eyes. Conor beant down closer and whispered in the boys ear. ”I rule, you obey. I rule, you obey...” He quickly let go of Zeph's chin and the boys head fell back on the ground with a thump, his forehead was covered with sweat. Sly watched his leader walk away before rushing to Zeph's side.
”Are you okay?” He asked carefully.
”What do you think?” Zeph hissed and got up his feet. He brushed the dirty off his clothes and looked in to the direction where Conor had walked. ”I swear, one day, I'll kill him.”
They had walked in silence every since they'd left Conors meadow. So far Yeshua hadn't deared to walk any closer than 7 feet (2m) from Noah and he hadn't opened his mouth once, thus the endless silence. The soft breezed played innocently in Yeshuas sandy blonde hair. Noah suddenly cleared his throat.
”Im, sorry.. for being kind of aggressive before.” He cleared his throat once more.
Yeshua looked down as he walked.
”I, was just.. I didn't want you to get hurt.”
When Yeshua didn't reply him Noah turned to face him. His strong face, usually carrying equally strong eyes now looked at the young one softly, almost smiling. Yeshua stopped a few feet behind him.
”Still, why did you go there?” Noah said with a little sigh.
”I, don't know...”
”You're well aware you're the youngest, therefor you should know whenever you disappear you make your alpha panic, and the rest of the pack off course.”
Yeshua bit his lip, starting to scrape in the dirty ground with his foot.
Noah chuckled quietly.
”You should have seen Malox's face when he heard you were gone. He started running around like a maniac, ordering everyone to go out and look for you. That old man should calm down a bit more than he does.”
Yeshua couldn't keep himself from letting the little smile on his lips show.
”I won't be forgetting the haunted look on his face for a while. That's for sure.”
”So.. you're not mad at me?” Yeshua said carefully.
”Off course I am!” Noah said sternly. ”What alpha wouldn't?”
Yeshua shifted his gaze back towards the ground.
”But...” Noah said with a warm, teasing grin. ”Im glad I found you. If I hadn't, Malox would probably had driven me mad with his strange rescuing plans. Finding you will save me a lot of awaken hours.”
(Bild 1: Detta är Malox för mig, modellens namn för den som undrar: Ben Hill.)
(Bild 2: Minstingen Yeshua i sin vargform. Bild 3: Yeshua i människoform, modellens namn: Ian Denig. The face of a model is the sorce to my inspiration. Good night.)
Cyriacus Living Dead,
torsdag 9 december 2010
Old memories
Så, nu har jag skrivit något helt nytt, ett nytt fenomen, eller nya händelser kanske, som jag inte kommit på innan. Fick sån stark inspiration från denna bild.
Här är det jag skrev inklusive inspirationsbilden, nu ska jag sova, trots att jag är inne i mitt esse, men jag måste verkligen sova.
Utkastet handlar om Caskus som drömmer tillbakablickar ur sitt gamla liv, när han fortfarande var människa, om sin bästa vän Nicholas som blev mördad av en vampyr.
It was monday forenoon and as usual we were late for school. Not that we bothered, but unluckily our parents did. With threates of suspending our weekly allowance and giving us curfew after curfew they tried to force us to go to that bloody school. Unfortunatley for them we didn't let their threats scare us. We were young, rash, wealthy and handsome. Two men who had barely seen the world but still thought they knew everything there was to know about it. We were the kings of not only our neighborhood but the entire town, maybe even Britannia...
The image of the two innocent youngsters on their way to school, who laughed and enjoyed one anothers company vanished as Caskus was dragged out of his sleep.
He sat up with a rumbling roar, pulled the sheet off him and got out of bed in seconds. His bare torso was drenched in cold sweat, as was his bed.
”Nicholas.” The voice in his head whispered weakly, desperate to be heard.
”No!” He screamed and grabbed the glassvase on his desk, throwing it hard to his feet. ”I don't want to...!” Water and glass were mixed as the vase hit the floor in an explosive crash that echoed among the stonewalls. "I don't want to remember."
He covered his face with shaky hands, not wanting to be remembered by what he had just seen. But as he closed his eyes he was dragged back into it.
Nicholas checked shirt was soggy with blood. His eyes weren't smiling like they used to, they were filled with pain and fright. My bloody hands trembled as I looked from them to Nicholas. He was so helpless, I was helpless.. unable to do anything... unable to save his life...
”Stop it!” Caskus screamed. ”Don't you dare play tricks on me!” Tears started dripping down from his dark blue eyes. ”Don't you dare...” He sobbed, sinking down below the bed, surrounded by the broken glass. ”Don't you dare...”
He pulled his fingers through his long darkblonde hair. He had let death take Nicholas... he had not tried to fight for him to survive... He had let death have its prey...
Här är det jag skrev inklusive inspirationsbilden, nu ska jag sova, trots att jag är inne i mitt esse, men jag måste verkligen sova.
Utkastet handlar om Caskus som drömmer tillbakablickar ur sitt gamla liv, när han fortfarande var människa, om sin bästa vän Nicholas som blev mördad av en vampyr.
It was monday forenoon and as usual we were late for school. Not that we bothered, but unluckily our parents did. With threates of suspending our weekly allowance and giving us curfew after curfew they tried to force us to go to that bloody school. Unfortunatley for them we didn't let their threats scare us. We were young, rash, wealthy and handsome. Two men who had barely seen the world but still thought they knew everything there was to know about it. We were the kings of not only our neighborhood but the entire town, maybe even Britannia...
The image of the two innocent youngsters on their way to school, who laughed and enjoyed one anothers company vanished as Caskus was dragged out of his sleep.
He sat up with a rumbling roar, pulled the sheet off him and got out of bed in seconds. His bare torso was drenched in cold sweat, as was his bed.
”Nicholas.” The voice in his head whispered weakly, desperate to be heard.
”No!” He screamed and grabbed the glassvase on his desk, throwing it hard to his feet. ”I don't want to...!” Water and glass were mixed as the vase hit the floor in an explosive crash that echoed among the stonewalls. "I don't want to remember."
He covered his face with shaky hands, not wanting to be remembered by what he had just seen. But as he closed his eyes he was dragged back into it.
Nicholas checked shirt was soggy with blood. His eyes weren't smiling like they used to, they were filled with pain and fright. My bloody hands trembled as I looked from them to Nicholas. He was so helpless, I was helpless.. unable to do anything... unable to save his life...
”Stop it!” Caskus screamed. ”Don't you dare play tricks on me!” Tears started dripping down from his dark blue eyes. ”Don't you dare...” He sobbed, sinking down below the bed, surrounded by the broken glass. ”Don't you dare...”
He pulled his fingers through his long darkblonde hair. He had let death take Nicholas... he had not tried to fight for him to survive... He had let death have its prey...
Cyriacus Living Dead,
onsdag 8 december 2010
Skriva, skriva, skriva!
Försöker skriva lite nya scener innan jag går till sängs.
Fick tag på en riktig fin bild på Adrien Brunier för inte så länge sen. Adrien = min musa för karaktären Caskus ur Cyriacus: Living Dead.
- See ya!
Fick tag på en riktig fin bild på Adrien Brunier för inte så länge sen. Adrien = min musa för karaktären Caskus ur Cyriacus: Living Dead.
- See ya!
Adrien Brunier,
Cyriacus Living Dead,
söndag 5 december 2010
Jag måste bara få (helt plötsligt) tacka Sahars underbara mamma för hon ordnat mig dessa UNDERBARA (persiska) ögonbryn (inga jävla svennebananas här inte). Det var visserligen flera år sedan hon gjorde om de, men they are almost still the same, skulle aldrig tordas förstöra dessa! I love them. Kommer att tänka på det ibland när jag stirrar på de, fan va fina de är. Lite synd att gömma de bakom en fet raklugg, men men, ibland kommer de fram som en fin överraskning.
(ytterst fin naturell, sömnig bild på mig, men den bjuder jag på, tjing!)
(ytterst fin naturell, sömnig bild på mig, men den bjuder jag på, tjing!)
torsdag 2 december 2010
Goooosh snart är den min, min, min ^^ skickade den igår. Längtar till nästa vecka!!
Vet dock inte om jag kommer kunna/våga skriva i den, så vacker, så dyrbar (så dyr). Kanske försiktigt med tunn blyerts?
Nej, nu ska jag sova. Hade en härlig träning idag efter jobbet. Först nybörjarpasset och sedan träning i gymmet en timme. Första gången på rullbandet i hela mitt LIV, jag kände mig som en fet ko.
Vet dock inte om jag kommer kunna/våga skriva i den, så vacker, så dyrbar (så dyr). Kanske försiktigt med tunn blyerts?
Nej, nu ska jag sova. Hade en härlig träning idag efter jobbet. Först nybörjarpasset och sedan träning i gymmet en timme. Första gången på rullbandet i hela mitt LIV, jag kände mig som en fet ko.
onsdag 1 december 2010
Hijack and death on a train
Hörde för en stund sedan ett tåg fara förbi, det lät verkligen sådär riktigt spöklikt så att man ryser till i hela kroppen. Inte så ovanligt fick jag genast inspiration till värsta slaktarscenen på ett tåg som passerar bergen till skogen Mors där Amaranth Xeranthes och hans gäng lever. Det är vinter och de kapar natt-tåget på jakt efter mat.
Här kommer ett väldigt fult och inte alls redigerat utdrag av det jag skrivit. Imorgon blir det mer detaljerat och mer blod men nu ska jag sova.
A beautiful doll-like girl with long blonde hair sat in the seat closest to the pack with her back towards them, being accompanied by what seemed to be her older brother. Amaranth put his bandaged hand on her hair, gently combing it with his mucky fingers. The girl frooze as she felt his touch. He took a step closer to get a better look of her face.
”What a pretty little lady.” He said, letting his finger stroll down her jawline. She had her eyes kept on the floor not daring to look at him. He smiled at her and squatted.
”Won't you let me look at your eyes.” He gently stroke her pale cheek with the back of his hand. She didn't answer him. Instead her brother stood up and shooted:
”Don't you dare lay your hands on my sister!”
Amaranth didn't bother to react but his packmembers did. Jaxon grabbed the young man from behind while Lunar jumped up on the table infront of him.
Amaranth made a low chuckle.
”Just let me see those eyes, won't you.” He begged. ”I don't bite.”
”Don't listen to him Yasmine.” Her brother screamed. Jaxon tightened his grip around the brothers arms to show him who was in command.
The girl slowly looked up at him, her big blue eyes flickered from side to side without looking into his. He tilted his head to the side so that his ponytale fell on his shoulder. For a second it seemed like he drowned in the sea in her eyes.
”I want her.” He whispered, still with his eyes fixed on her. ”She is the one.”
Her brother gasped.
”I said, don't touch her!”.
”Jaxon, just shut him up.” Amaranth said rolling his eyes.
The large man grabbed the brothers head and pulled it hard to one side. It made a cracking sound as the neck broke.
The girls hands began shaking, then tears slowly streamed from her eyes, one by one they rolled down her cheeks.
”Oh, no don't cry. Please stop.” He whispered with slight panic in his voice. He put his hand under her cheek to lift up her head. Their eyes met for a short moment. ”You didn't need him anyway love. I'll be gentle to you.”
Här kommer ett väldigt fult och inte alls redigerat utdrag av det jag skrivit. Imorgon blir det mer detaljerat och mer blod men nu ska jag sova.
A beautiful doll-like girl with long blonde hair sat in the seat closest to the pack with her back towards them, being accompanied by what seemed to be her older brother. Amaranth put his bandaged hand on her hair, gently combing it with his mucky fingers. The girl frooze as she felt his touch. He took a step closer to get a better look of her face.
”What a pretty little lady.” He said, letting his finger stroll down her jawline. She had her eyes kept on the floor not daring to look at him. He smiled at her and squatted.
”Won't you let me look at your eyes.” He gently stroke her pale cheek with the back of his hand. She didn't answer him. Instead her brother stood up and shooted:
”Don't you dare lay your hands on my sister!”
Amaranth didn't bother to react but his packmembers did. Jaxon grabbed the young man from behind while Lunar jumped up on the table infront of him.
Amaranth made a low chuckle.
”Just let me see those eyes, won't you.” He begged. ”I don't bite.”
”Don't listen to him Yasmine.” Her brother screamed. Jaxon tightened his grip around the brothers arms to show him who was in command.
The girl slowly looked up at him, her big blue eyes flickered from side to side without looking into his. He tilted his head to the side so that his ponytale fell on his shoulder. For a second it seemed like he drowned in the sea in her eyes.
”I want her.” He whispered, still with his eyes fixed on her. ”She is the one.”
Her brother gasped.
”I said, don't touch her!”.
”Jaxon, just shut him up.” Amaranth said rolling his eyes.
The large man grabbed the brothers head and pulled it hard to one side. It made a cracking sound as the neck broke.
The girls hands began shaking, then tears slowly streamed from her eyes, one by one they rolled down her cheeks.
”Oh, no don't cry. Please stop.” He whispered with slight panic in his voice. He put his hand under her cheek to lift up her head. Their eyes met for a short moment. ”You didn't need him anyway love. I'll be gentle to you.”
måndag 29 november 2010
Inspiration och nya karaktärer
Såg ju HP7 del 1 av 2 lördagen till ära.
Blev otroligt förälskad i Scabior the snatcher (porträtterad av Nick Moran) och han blev genast en inspiration, inte bara till den nye karaktären Amaranth Xeranthes utan till en helt ny grupp av individer i Cyriacus; Living Dead. Det gillar jag starkt.
Sorry Ralph
torsdag 25 november 2010
onsdag 24 november 2010
I love to be checking you out...
Grymt trött just nu, det tar på krafterna att exaltera sig över en match. 0-3 till Barca, so far so good - tills de bytte ut Xavi.
Förresten, om det är någon som kan döda med blicken så borde det vara Dani Alves, kolla in hans ögon. Livsfarliga och grymt vackra på en och samma gång.
Nu ska jag kolla klart på matchen och sedan bums i säng.
Älskar förresten att överraska folk med att jag faktiskt är ett fotbollsfan. Kan dock inte kolla på vad som helst, spanska män ska det som sagt vara.
Förresten, om det är någon som kan döda med blicken så borde det vara Dani Alves, kolla in hans ögon. Livsfarliga och grymt vackra på en och samma gång.
Nu ska jag kolla klart på matchen och sedan bums i säng.
Älskar förresten att överraska folk med att jag faktiskt är ett fotbollsfan. Kan dock inte kolla på vad som helst, spanska män ska det som sagt vara.
dani alves,
FC barcelona,
xavi hernandez
måndag 22 november 2010
Kiara , the wisdom keepers
Robert Mirabal - Indian Johnny
Earl Eckles looked at us with sulky paleblue eyes. It was obvious redskins weren't on the top of this sheriff's list of/over favourite people and he just thought we were wasting his time when we called the sheriffdepartment to send someone over. But it wasn't like we'd asked for Earl Eckles. Sheriff Eckles was the typical american middle-aged man, a bit overweight, pale and grumpy. He thought he busted his ass of at work everyday when he really didn't do much but eating. The sheriffsdepartment let him stay on his post because they felt sorry for him, like he wouldn't manage to get another job if they sacked him. He was pretty sad to look at, knowing he shared a dirty cottage with his elderly mother and two straylooking dogs. Today he wore a large brown cowboy hat on top of his small head and his beige shirt tucked into his pants so that his stomach was well notefied. He regularly polished his big blonde moustache with his chubby fingers while flipping through his empty notepad. "Mhm.." he muttered and licked the tip of his ink pen. "So you say there's strange things moving in your woods huh?" He looked up at us for atleast two seconds then his eyes were back on the notepad again. "Ever heard of bears, mr.Darkwater?" We all heard the mocking in his voice and I could feel that the anger in Paul was about to overboil. He looked at Earl with burning eyes. Like a child craving for attention I pulled in his shirt and when he did look at me I stared back at him with narrowed eyes and a sour face. He muttered at me with disapproval, telling me he wouldn't play mister nice-guy today(towards this policeman.) "I'll take care of this sheriff Eckles." A determined voice said a few feet away from us. It was (old) sheriff Billy Joe Norton and with him Pine Ridge policeforce's latest recruit, one of our own, Izaac Johnston son of Alan "Grandfather" Johnston, the tribe shaman. Izaac (Johnston) was a tall and slender man in his late twenties with strong facial features and long black hair - you could kinda compare him to Kocoum of Pocahontas the disney version. He was adored by more than half of the of women in the Pine Ridge reservation. Whenever he was around they just couldn't keep their eyes of, of him. He was both humble and gentle plus he didn't talk much which made him look like the perfect listener, something the ladies seemed to consider as a good thing. "Mister sheriff Norton." An old, shaky voice said from a far distance. It was Floyd Darkwater supported by his granddaughter Maya, who had come to join us. He walked very stiffly with the stick in his left hand and Maya on his right. "Chief Darkwater." Sheriff Norton said. They shoke hands. Chief Darkwater looked at him with old worried grey eyes which were almost fully covered by wrinkles. "It's here again is it not sheriff Norton? The evil spirit." "We're not sure yet chief." "I try to protect my people, but what can an old man do these days." "That's why we're here sir. We'll have our people search through your woods. With your permission off course."
* Later: "What did your grandfather mean with "it's here again"? Don't tell me this has happened before." Kiara said. "It has, many years before we were even thought of. When my parents were young there were killings in the forest, just like now. Killings of young men." "Didn't anyone get caught?" "Nope.. no one cared about us back then, not that they do now either for that matter." He rouled on to his back. "That's why he calls it the evil spirit." he looked at me. "My grandfather has heard real messed up things about what the white man did to our ancestors, but he didn't think no man could be the cause of those young mens deaths. It was the way the bodies looked like. No humanbeing could have done that. He was sure it was an evil spirit who had come to punish us for something we'd done wrong."
Earl Eckles looked at us with sulky paleblue eyes. It was obvious redskins weren't on the top of this sheriff's list of/over favourite people and he just thought we were wasting his time when we called the sheriffdepartment to send someone over. But it wasn't like we'd asked for Earl Eckles. Sheriff Eckles was the typical american middle-aged man, a bit overweight, pale and grumpy. He thought he busted his ass of at work everyday when he really didn't do much but eating. The sheriffsdepartment let him stay on his post because they felt sorry for him, like he wouldn't manage to get another job if they sacked him. He was pretty sad to look at, knowing he shared a dirty cottage with his elderly mother and two straylooking dogs. Today he wore a large brown cowboy hat on top of his small head and his beige shirt tucked into his pants so that his stomach was well notefied. He regularly polished his big blonde moustache with his chubby fingers while flipping through his empty notepad. "Mhm.." he muttered and licked the tip of his ink pen. "So you say there's strange things moving in your woods huh?" He looked up at us for atleast two seconds then his eyes were back on the notepad again. "Ever heard of bears, mr.Darkwater?" We all heard the mocking in his voice and I could feel that the anger in Paul was about to overboil. He looked at Earl with burning eyes. Like a child craving for attention I pulled in his shirt and when he did look at me I stared back at him with narrowed eyes and a sour face. He muttered at me with disapproval, telling me he wouldn't play mister nice-guy today(towards this policeman.) "I'll take care of this sheriff Eckles." A determined voice said a few feet away from us. It was (old) sheriff Billy Joe Norton and with him Pine Ridge policeforce's latest recruit, one of our own, Izaac Johnston son of Alan "Grandfather" Johnston, the tribe shaman. Izaac (Johnston) was a tall and slender man in his late twenties with strong facial features and long black hair - you could kinda compare him to Kocoum of Pocahontas the disney version. He was adored by more than half of the of women in the Pine Ridge reservation. Whenever he was around they just couldn't keep their eyes of, of him. He was both humble and gentle plus he didn't talk much which made him look like the perfect listener, something the ladies seemed to consider as a good thing. "Mister sheriff Norton." An old, shaky voice said from a far distance. It was Floyd Darkwater supported by his granddaughter Maya, who had come to join us. He walked very stiffly with the stick in his left hand and Maya on his right. "Chief Darkwater." Sheriff Norton said. They shoke hands. Chief Darkwater looked at him with old worried grey eyes which were almost fully covered by wrinkles. "It's here again is it not sheriff Norton? The evil spirit." "We're not sure yet chief." "I try to protect my people, but what can an old man do these days." "That's why we're here sir. We'll have our people search through your woods. With your permission off course."
* Later: "What did your grandfather mean with "it's here again"? Don't tell me this has happened before." Kiara said. "It has, many years before we were even thought of. When my parents were young there were killings in the forest, just like now. Killings of young men." "Didn't anyone get caught?" "Nope.. no one cared about us back then, not that they do now either for that matter." He rouled on to his back. "That's why he calls it the evil spirit." he looked at me. "My grandfather has heard real messed up things about what the white man did to our ancestors, but he didn't think no man could be the cause of those young mens deaths. It was the way the bodies looked like. No humanbeing could have done that. He was sure it was an evil spirit who had come to punish us for something we'd done wrong."
kiara the wisdom keepers,
Native american,
oglala sioux,
lördag 20 november 2010
Edward Cullen
En väldigt konstigt men ändå aningen vacker dröm.
Minns inte så mycket nu förutom att det var jag och Edward Cullen (ja han från Twilight-saga). Han var väldigt svag på blod, hade ett stort öppet skärsår på magen (tror jag), för att bli starkare försökte han dricka från sitt eget blod men jag han hade knappt något kvar. Vi såg på varandra, hans ögon var sorgsna och varma, och utan att säga något bestämde vi oss för att han skulle dricka mitt. Jag minns att jag var rädd för hur ont det skulle göra när han väl borrade ner sina tänder i min handled. Men det stack/sved bara till som när man tar ett blodprov. Jag kommer väldigt väl ihåg närbilden av hans tänder i min arm och blodet runt omkring.
Detta låter hel psyko nu, men då har ni inte upplevt den drömmen jag drömde sist av alla, den var ju ENORMT sjuk! Riktigt äckel läskigt, usch var skakiga när jag vaknade upp från den.
Jag måste säga att Edward drömmen ändå inspirerade på något väldigt konstigt sätt. Det var nog blicken och sedan allt blod.
Oj ta mig inte för en psykopat, ta mig för en strävande författare.
Minns inte så mycket nu förutom att det var jag och Edward Cullen (ja han från Twilight-saga). Han var väldigt svag på blod, hade ett stort öppet skärsår på magen (tror jag), för att bli starkare försökte han dricka från sitt eget blod men jag han hade knappt något kvar. Vi såg på varandra, hans ögon var sorgsna och varma, och utan att säga något bestämde vi oss för att han skulle dricka mitt. Jag minns att jag var rädd för hur ont det skulle göra när han väl borrade ner sina tänder i min handled. Men det stack/sved bara till som när man tar ett blodprov. Jag kommer väldigt väl ihåg närbilden av hans tänder i min arm och blodet runt omkring.
Detta låter hel psyko nu, men då har ni inte upplevt den drömmen jag drömde sist av alla, den var ju ENORMT sjuk! Riktigt äckel läskigt, usch var skakiga när jag vaknade upp från den.
Jag måste säga att Edward drömmen ändå inspirerade på något väldigt konstigt sätt. Det var nog blicken och sedan allt blod.
Oj ta mig inte för en psykopat, ta mig för en strävande författare.
torsdag 18 november 2010
Åh så vackert. Jag skulle gärna ha mitt hår så som Rihanna har på den här bilden, så grymt snyggt.
Rihanna är inte konstigt nog min inspirationskälla till what to wear/vad jag skulle vilja klä mig i nu när jag är rödhårig. Hoppas kunna hitta lite nytt till garderoben som ska matcha kalufsen imorgon på stan med Max. Gärna något hudfärgat skulle vara väldigt önskvärt.
Just nu: Rihanna - Fire Bomb
Rihanna är inte konstigt nog min inspirationskälla till what to wear/vad jag skulle vilja klä mig i nu när jag är rödhårig. Hoppas kunna hitta lite nytt till garderoben som ska matcha kalufsen imorgon på stan med Max. Gärna något hudfärgat skulle vara väldigt önskvärt.
Just nu: Rihanna - Fire Bomb
Vampyrer hit och dit
Nyss sett om hela tredje säsongen av True Blood, den enda säsongen jag har kvar på datorn :'( buhu.
Fast egentligen kanske den lite granna är den bästa av de tre, eftersom Alcide inte är med innan ;). woho! Gillar Alicide både i böckerna och i serien. He's such a sweetheart, en riktig sån där underbar nallebjörn som alltid ser efter dig, fastän han inte behöver och som inte riktigt visar sina känslor men som ändå bryr sig. Gosh I like him.
Nu har har jag tagit ner 3 avsnitt av Vampire Diaries. Har sett lite av den på 6an men inte sett de första avsnitten så jag har aldrig haft en chans att hänga med i hur det fungerar. Ska se vad jag tycker om den.
Fast egentligen kanske den lite granna är den bästa av de tre, eftersom Alcide inte är med innan ;). woho! Gillar Alicide både i böckerna och i serien. He's such a sweetheart, en riktig sån där underbar nallebjörn som alltid ser efter dig, fastän han inte behöver och som inte riktigt visar sina känslor men som ändå bryr sig. Gosh I like him.
Nu har har jag tagit ner 3 avsnitt av Vampire Diaries. Har sett lite av den på 6an men inte sett de första avsnitten så jag har aldrig haft en chans att hänga med i hur det fungerar. Ska se vad jag tycker om den.
alcide herveaux,
True Blood,
vampire diaries,
onsdag 17 november 2010
Hemma igen från frisören och aning trött. Istället för färginpackning blev det ny toning, dock blev håret lite mörkrödare, lite tråkigt men va fan hellre det än att se ut som en jäkla morot.
Jag frågade frisören vilken hårinpackning jag borde använda, nämnde som sagt inget om vilken jag använt och hör och häpna hon rekommenderade exakt den som jag redan har, va fan! tänkte jag men tackade för rådet. Bara att hålla mig till samma med andra ord. Fick även hjälp med vilket schampo och balsam jag ska använda/som är bäst för rött hår. Dock är de AAAAASdyra, 250:- per flaska. Goooosh.
Nej nu ska jag göra kycklingspett till familjen, ciao ciao!
Jag frågade frisören vilken hårinpackning jag borde använda, nämnde som sagt inget om vilken jag använt och hör och häpna hon rekommenderade exakt den som jag redan har, va fan! tänkte jag men tackade för rådet. Bara att hålla mig till samma med andra ord. Fick även hjälp med vilket schampo och balsam jag ska använda/som är bäst för rött hår. Dock är de AAAAASdyra, 250:- per flaska. Goooosh.
Nej nu ska jag göra kycklingspett till familjen, ciao ciao!
Väckning nr 2
tisdag 16 november 2010
Hår hit och dit
Park Bom fick mig att vilja bli rödhårig till (nästan) vilket pris som helst.
Nu får Minji mig att sukta efter oranget hår, och Bommie som numera lämnat den röda kalufsen bakom sig, får mig att vilja bli svarthårig igen, eller kanske färga det blått?
Nej än så länge håller jag mig till det röda. Får se om frissan kan ordna till min orange skiftande huvudperuk imorgon, jag misstänker att den inpackning jag använder, speciellt för rött hår, hjälper mitt hår att bli oranget. Men det tänker jag ju såklart inte avslöja för frisören, host host. ;)
Förresten känns det tråkigt att behöva köpa en röd toning redan nu (140:-), efter att det knappt var 3 veckor sen jag blev en rödtott. Dock sa min frisör när vi pratades vid via telefon att första färgningen åker ut väldigt lätt, men dock ska det inte rinna ur så här fort. Jäkla jag att köpa dum hårinpackning som inte var rätt men som heller inte var särskilt billig. Ska verkligen fråga om råd imorgon om vilka produkter jag bör använda.
God natt, nu ligger min (kära) katt hopkurad mot min höft som om vi vore hopklistrade. Får se om jag får en ostörd sömn inatt.
Nu får Minji mig att sukta efter oranget hår, och Bommie som numera lämnat den röda kalufsen bakom sig, får mig att vilja bli svarthårig igen, eller kanske färga det blått?
Nej än så länge håller jag mig till det röda. Får se om frissan kan ordna till min orange skiftande huvudperuk imorgon, jag misstänker att den inpackning jag använder, speciellt för rött hår, hjälper mitt hår att bli oranget. Men det tänker jag ju såklart inte avslöja för frisören, host host. ;)
Förresten känns det tråkigt att behöva köpa en röd toning redan nu (140:-), efter att det knappt var 3 veckor sen jag blev en rödtott. Dock sa min frisör när vi pratades vid via telefon att första färgningen åker ut väldigt lätt, men dock ska det inte rinna ur så här fort. Jäkla jag att köpa dum hårinpackning som inte var rätt men som heller inte var särskilt billig. Ska verkligen fråga om råd imorgon om vilka produkter jag bör använda.
God natt, nu ligger min (kära) katt hopkurad mot min höft som om vi vore hopklistrade. Får se om jag får en ostörd sömn inatt.
Egen levande väckarklocka
Jag skulle vilja sova, åh så skulle vilja somna om. Önskar att jag hade gårdagens lyx att få stiga opp kl.09.00 Men nej inte idag. Idag skulle jag ha stigit upp just vid denna tid, när jag skriver detta inlägg. 06.10. Men ingen går säker i huset där Sacha bor. Kl.05.15 står hon och krafsar och river på dörren för att få komma in i mitt rum. Jag suckar högt och sliter upp dörren, men hon tar inte åt sig ett dugg. Bara strosar in i rummet, dricker sitt vatten och lägger sig sedan på stolen vid fönstret så att hon kan spana på mig i sängen. Till slut säger jag åt henne att komma till mig istället för att ligga där och glo och det gör hon. Med glädje slänger hon sig ner bredvid mig. Tätt, tätt ligger hon på min nacke och stödjer hakan mot mitt huvud. Det är kärlek, men inte 05.15 en tisdag morgon....
lördag 13 november 2010
Ny nyckelring...
... från Yoohoo & friends. Söt va? Jag köpte en åt mig själv (huvudpersonen ur kollektionen som är en Bush Baby från Afrika vid namn Yoohoo) och mamsen. Vill dock ha en större, gosedjurs version också (se nedan), men det får vänta till senare. Googla de, finns hur många olika djur som helst, tom. en jul version. Vill ha!
Don't you just love 'em ? ^^
PS. KOLLA IN!!! Det finns tom. en serie om Yoohoo och hans vänner!! LÄNK <-- på koreanska!! KUNGLIGT!
Don't you just love 'em ? ^^
PS. KOLLA IN!!! Det finns tom. en serie om Yoohoo och hans vänner!! LÄNK <-- på koreanska!! KUNGLIGT!
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